GetUserInfo | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.


  • Since the 23.0.1 update, the getuserInfo function of the API does not return accurate information. When requesting user information, the "<ListMembership>" node displays all the lists on the server, whereas previously it only showed the lists that the user belonged to.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                                            <Request version="20.0.0" echo="1" verbose="0">


  • I'll run some tests this week and see what I can find. Thanks for reporting it.

  • Javier, I reproduced this. I'll get a fix written today. Unless we issue a new release of MDaemon,it will likely be a post release download of some type after QA is able to test the fix.

  • Correction, it appears that I don't have a repro of this condition. Going to require some further testing.

  • @Javier 

    I cannot reproduce this with MDaemon 23.0.2

    T've run tests using "All" and simply "ListMembership" and the results are correct based on my list settings.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    	<API productversion="23.0.2" serviceversion="">
    		<Request version="23.0" echo="1" verbose="0">
    		<Response version="23.0" et="0.078057">
    			<Status id="0" value="0x00000000" message="The operation completed successfully."/>
    				<User id="Foggy.Nelson" displayname="Franklin Nelson, Esq." domain="">
    						<List id=""/>
    						<List id=""/>
    						<List id=""/>
    						<List id=""/>
    						<List id=""/>


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    	<API productversion="23.0.2" serviceversion="">
    		<Request version="23.0" echo="1" verbose="0">
    		<Response version="23.0" et="0.291937">
    			<Status id="0" value="0x00000000" message="The operation completed successfully."/>
    				<User id="Karen.Page" displayname="Karen Page" domain="">
    					<Elements_Removed_For_Brevity />
    						<List id=""/>
    						<List id=""/>
    						<List id=""/>
    					<Elements_Removed_For_Brevity />


    Is it possible that the lists have a membership entry that is including them?

    For instance, both of the examples above show the users as members of "" because the list membership has the following enry in it...

    Is it possible that the lists have a GROUP:groupname membership entry that is including them?

    For instance, Foggy Nelson in the first example above shows the user as a member of "" because the list membership has the following enry in it... Board of Directors

  • hi @Keith Personett 

    When I create distribution lists, Arron commented in a post on how to block the lists from the outside but allow members of the domain to send. MDaemon Technologies, Ltd. Could this configuration be causing interference?

    In this list, I am not created, but it appears when I check the API.

  • hi @Keith Personett 

    After several tests, if you add as "postonly," the API confirms that you are in on the list.

    It makes sense since you can send messages to the list.
    Does it work that way?

    If that were the case, wouldn't it be better for it to return information about the member type, such as "type="1" or 2, 3, 4"? This way, the information could be filtered more effectively.

  • @Javier

    Yes, the XML API calls an internal MDList.dll function, which provides those results. I'll create a work item to include the membership type on each list entry for version 23.5. Sound good?

  • Nice sound Good!!

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