Security token was expired. Please try again. | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

Security token was expired. Please try again.

  • I leave a tab open in Firefox for SG.  Every time I am away for awhile, I have to login twice because the first time I get the error: Security token was expired. Please try again.

    I'm on the same computer, same browser, same tab.  Is there a setting I can change to fix this?

  • @John is the login page loaded in the tab that you leave open?  If so, this is the expected behavior.  Currently, there is no setting to disable this. However, I will add one to the wish list.

    If a logged-in session is loaded into the tab, and that session expires, this should not occur when you switch to the tab and attempt to log in again.  Let me know if you are seeing this as it would be a bug that I need to look into.


  • I usually log out and leave the page there.  Later I come back and have to login twice.  I will try staying logged in and let it expire to see if it works differently.

  • Yes, if I allow it to expire, then it only takes one login.

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