How can an additional ClamAV database be added? | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

How can an additional ClamAV database be added?

  • I'd like to add an additional database to ClamAV to scan each email as it comes in:

    1. Can this be done?
    2. Should it be done?

    Detailes of Mdaemon Setup:

    1. MDaemon Server
    2. MDaemon AntiVirus
    3. MDaemon Connector
    4. ActiveSync
    5. DSQ active (trial)

    Details of database I would like to add below. with an explanatiuon of why here:

    1. URL:
    2. DB Contents: active malware distribution sites

  • As far as I know it can be done, we are not making any changes to ClamAV to prevent 3rd party databases from being used.

    As long as you are comfortable with the changes that need to be made and with the content of the database you are adding, I don't see a reason not to.  


  • Thanks I look into that... and if i succeed, post the basics on how to do it.

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