Lets Encrypt certificate will not renew | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

Lets Encrypt certificate will not renew

  • Hi all,


    I have just little experience with MDaemon and I'm facing an issue with certificate now.... Unfortunately, the existing certificate has expired (Lets encrypt) without being auto-renewed - not sure why.... Now, I want to renew it manually by "Run Now" option but I get email notification that: "An error occurred during the LetsEncrypt process. The error message is: Error: WorldClient must be listening on port 80. This script will stop now."


    I did some research and I've found that additional value needs to be added in Webmail - which I confirmed is there already.

    There is also port forward already selected - not sure if this needs to be disabled to be able to use "run now" option?

    For now, I've created a self-signed certificate and will ask users to test it on Monday.... however, would like to get the "Lets Encrypt" one working again....



  • might be linked :https://mdaemon.com/community/forums/topic/106219/letsencrypt-stooped-working-with-error-cannot-validate-argument-on-parameter-value-the-argument

    I'm also having this issue with 3 other clients as well as myself, so this it's not an isolated issue. You can try to stop the webmail service before you action, seems odd this is not programmatic but hay what do I know :).

  • thanks PEter.... 

    looks like the script ran eventually somewho.... Tried it several more times during the weekend and on Sunday I was lucky and it created new certificate.... which is amazing...


    Now... I don't know why but there are some users that were using IMAP account to connect to their mailboxes on cell phones.... These phones are getting some strange issues - one user cannot connect to server getting ""Unable to log in - secure connection unavailable" error (iPhone); another is receiving emails but fail to send (Android); another not getting emails at all (android)....


    I'm not sure what does it mean...  I've tried to add account to my iPhone for that 1st user, and it connected with no issues... :/


    I would probably create a new topic for this...

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