Upgraded Server 2012R2 to 2019, upgraded to 23.0 and Mdaemon closes when I log off
Am I missing something? I upgraded server 2012 R2 with MDaemon 16 on it to Server 2019, when I log off Madeamon terminates even though the service is running like it should. I upgraded to Mdaemon 23 and it still terminates when I log off. Am I missing something?
Now the Mdaemon service will not start.
Arron Staff
If MDaemon is stopping when you log off and the service is running, it means MDaemon was already running when the service was started.
Are there any errors in MDaemon's System log from when the service tries to start?
Are there any errors in the windows event log when the MDaemon service tries to start?
Are there any errors shown on the screen if you double click the mdaemon.exe file in the MDaemon\app directory?
Arron Staff
Also, before you try to start the MDaemon service, open Windows Task Manager and make sure there are no other mdaemon.exe processes running. If there are, do an end task on them and then try to start the MDaemon service.
i Aaron,
I can't start Mdeamon, it says the service is marked for deletion. I had to roll back to 16.04, and if I log off the mail server stops. I uninstalled all of the Mdaemon services from 23.0 and reinstalled 16.04 and still can't start, i get service is marked for deletion error messages. and the service fails. Even after uninstalling, running Mdaemon config and doing the service install I get the error. Note I did just upgrade form Server 2012 R2 to 2019. The server upgrade went without issue.
Aaron if I try to install the services from Setup I get an error
Service can't install service error 1509
It seems to have been corrected now. So please close this thread.
I stand corrected, email stopped again after logging off.
I created the service again (sc create binPath="c:\mdaemon\app\mdaemon.exe") command prompt and this time it appears to not fail. Fingers crossed.
Arron Staff
Were you ever prompted to reboot during the installs or uninstalls? If you were prompted, did you reboot?
If the service is marked for deletion, you need to reboot the machine so the service can be deleted. Check to see if the windows service still exists, if it does, will it start? If the service does not exist, then start MDaemon as an application and go to Setup / Preferences / Windows Service, and click Install service. Once the service is installed stop the MDaemon application and then start the service.
I got it working post-upgrade from 2012 R2 to 2019. After several attempts and roll backs. Deleting the service and re-creating it was the only solution. I am just glad myself and my hosting clients have email services again and I can log out of the server without email services failing. Thank you for your help and input.