Search on a Mdaemon connector 7.0.7 on Outlook 2019/2021/365 | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

Search on a Mdaemon connector 7.0.7 on Outlook 2019/2021/365

  • Dear all,

    I've found that the search function doesn't work on a Mdaemon connector 7.07 on Outlook 2019/2021/365 in french, it returns alway "no result"

    However on the same Outlook and another IMAP account it works.

    Tried on 5 different computers and Outlook versions, but all on OC 7.0.7 ?


    Anyone has the same problem or any idea ?






  • Hello Francois,

    Does this problem occur with any account that you have performed a search on when using MDaemon Connector?

    In the affected Outlook client, click File | Options | Search, and then review the "Results" section.  What do you have selected: "Current folder", "Current folder: Current mailbox when searching from the inbox", "Current mailbox", or "All mailboxes"?

    If the first option (Current folder) is not selected, then select it and click "OK".  After that, when searching only the current folder, are no results returned?

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