Can host multiple domains? | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

Can host multiple domains?

  • First post here.. go easy on me.   We've been running imailserver for years but that program is being shut down soon which forces us to look for a new mail server. At this point MDaemon is in my #1 position with us hosting. My head hurts from looking at some many mail servers, most of which no longer exist or have no meaningful users and support.

    I've been looking around the site and it's not really clear if MDaemon supports multiple domain names or if it just supports an alias or subdomain.  In our case they are totally different domains from three different companies we own. We want each to remain independent but host them all on one server.  I know it seems like a duh question but I don't see a clear answer about it on the site and I don't want to make assumptions.

    I'm going to have to configure and maintain the server. I admit the original configuration is pretty intimidating to me.  I’ve only ever set up one mail server and that was the imail years ago.

    I thought about letting someone else host it but I’ve gotten spoiled and like being able to go look in the logs to see where a problem is, or whitelist someone, or blacklist them. I like the control once it’s set up but the setup itself does scare me.  We’re a small company in an aging industry (CD/DVD duplication along with SD and USB drives).  There’s no fat on the bone to work with.

  • Yes MDaemon supports multiple domains.  You can manage the list of domains by going to Setup / Domain Manager.  You can find more details in the online help which is available at

    It also supports aliasing domains if you need to.  (* = *

    We also offer a 30 day free trial, which you can download from here,  You can request a trial key during the install, just make sure you provide a valid email address as your trial key will be emailed to you.


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