WEB mail problem after upgrade | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

WEB mail problem after upgrade

  • Hi

    I upgraded my mdaemon to version 23

    After that is get this errors when I try to open WebMail on Android devices:

    the request was invalid .

    if you need assistance  please contact your email administrator 

    then I look the web mail LOG. I see this log line : 

    WCAPI - Downgrade request attempted to Domain mydomain.com from origin (https://mydomain.com)


    how can I solve this problem ?

  • What version of MDaemon did you upgrade from?

    Are you using HTTP or HTTPS when attempting to open webmail?

    Do you have the issue with any other devices or browsers?

    Have you cleared the cache and restarted the android device? 

    What version of Android is being used?


  • I'm having the same problem, same error message 

    I've tried both http and HTTPS

    I've tried with a tablet running Android 12 and a mobile running Android 13

    I have cleared cache and restarted both devices

  • I upgraded from version 21 to 23.

    if the browsers agent is android,then the webmail stop the user at login page.

  • Please try setting the following in the [Default:Settings] section of the MDaemon\WorldClient\Domains.ini


    Save the file, and then restart webmail. 

    Are you able to open webmail on the android devices after restarting?

  • no. same error.

  • @hamed 

    Are you using HTTP or HTTPS when attempting to open webmail?

    Do you have the issue with any other devices or browsers?

    Have you cleared the cache and restarted the android device? 

    What version of Android is being used?

    Is there a proxy or any other devices between the Webmail server and the Android device that may be altering the requests and responses?

    Is webmail running via its own webserver or via IIS?

    Please post the entire session from the log that shows an Android device connecting and attempting to login.

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