Spam Filter - BlockList or BlackList | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

Spam Filter - BlockList or BlackList

  • We recently upgraded to version 23.5.  Under Spam Filter, when you edit the Blocked Senders list.  For a very long time we always added entries like this:

    blocklist_from *

    But we're now noticing that no matter what you enter, it is getting prefixed with blacklist_from

    So it ends up looking like this:

    blacklist_from blocklist_from *

    The examples at the top of the file show to use blocklist - so which is it?



  • MDaemon 23.5 was updated to use SpamAssassin 4.0.  SpamAssassin 4.0 changed from blacklist and whitelist to blocklist and welcomelist.  So MDaemon was updated to prepend strings with blocklist_from.  

    If you enter:


    MDaemon will change it to:

    blocklist_from blacklist_from

    When adding an entry, you should either enter only the email address and allow MDaemon to prepend the string, or add blocklist_from  

    I have been unable to reproduce a sitaution where MDaemon is still prefixing values with blacklist_from.  Can you confirm that is still happening for you?  Can you send a screen shot of the blocklist so I can see exactly what the outcome is?  And can you confirm the exact string you are adding?



  • Arron, thanks for the quick response.  We manage 2 different MDaemon servers, both on the same version and both have this behaviour.  Screenshot attached.

  • OK, I was able to reproduce it.  There is a bug in Remote Administration that we are investigating.

    I'll let you know as soon as I have more information.

  • This behavior only occurs if you using the blocked senders link on the landing page. 

    If you use the menus and go to Spam Filter / Filter Settings / Block List (by sender) it will behave correctly.  

    We will get this fixed for the next version. 

    Sorry for the inconvienence.

  • On the screen you refer to, I find that if you enter 1 address at a time it works correctly.  However, if you click Advanced to make/edit multiple entries, it has the same bad behavior.  I've also noticed that if you do this via the MDaemon GUI it also appears to work correctly.

    Problem is though we have hundreds of entries.  It will take some time to cleanup.  And, from the Advanced screen, it has added an additional blocklist_from to the previous string, leaving (for example) this among all entries:

    blocklist_from blacklist_from blocklist_from *

    Although it seems nice to add that string automatically, I would prefer the previous behaviour that once I click Apply it is just as I entered it.

  • Yes, we are working on cleaning it all up so that it mimics the behavior in the MDaemon UI.  

    It will probably be easier to cleanup the files using a text editor such as Notepad++, do not use Notepad.exe.  The files you are looking for are,, and  

    Once the files are cleaned up, save them and restart MDaemon.  

  • Arron, just in case you all were unaware, this same behavior is impacting the Spam Filter 'Allow List' as well.  The software is pre-pending whitelist_from when previously it was apparently welcomelist_from.  I'm not sure which is correct for SpamAssassin, but surprised it would be the word 'whitelist' considering the intent was to not make these terms appear racist.



  • Hi David,

    Thank you for letting us know.  We fixed the issues with the welcomelist as well.  All of the changes are included in MDaemon 23.5.1b which hope to release to the beta team this week.  

    We do not have a date for the public release, but it should be in the near future.


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