Get remaining license count | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

Get remaining license count

  • Hello,

    I wanted to know is there any way by which I can know how many accounts a domain can have ?

  • Take a look at the GetDomainInfo operation, there is a sample request and response in the \MDaemon\Docs\API\XML API\Samples directory.

    The details section of the response should contain a <MaxUser> element and the <Users> Node should contain a "count" attribute that tells you how many users there currently are. 

  • Thanks Arron.

    I am bit confuse in Licenses and <MaxUser>, are they same ? ie. if I have license for 100 accounts, <MaxUser> will be 100 ?

  • Sorry, I misunderstood what you were asking for.

    No the MaxUsers for the domain is not the same as the license size. 

    The XML API does not offer a means of accessing the license size information. 

    To get the number of accounts that currently exist on the server you would need to use the GetDomainInfo operation for each domain and look at the count attribute on the <Users> node.  

    Once you had the total number of users for all domains you could manually set the license size limit and determine how many user accounts were left.  


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