Cannot send as a shared inbox | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

Cannot send as a shared inbox

  • Hi, 

    When i share an inbox, with full control, the user cannot write as the shared inbox, but only from own account: it's a limit or a bug?




  • Hi Giovanni,

    This is a limitation of Webmail. However, there is another way to setup an address that multiple users can send messages to.

    To set up ticketing that allows multiple users to have access to and respond to messages:

    1. In Remote Admin, go to Setup -> Public Folders -> Public Folder Manager
    2. Create a mail folder with an appropriate name
    3. In the dialog, add a Submission address (this is the account that you want multiple users to have access to)
    4. Check "Assign a unique ticketing (or tracking) number to messages"
    5. Save that folder
    6. On the main page, select the folder and click the "Edit Access Control" button
    7. From there, give the users who need access all permissions except for Administer and Delete
    8. Users will be able to see the folder and reply to messages in it.

  • @Jonathan Hi, tx! worked but leaves MY name in reply, not the public folder one! There is a way to use the same public email?




  • When you reply to a message in the public folder that was received in the public folder after ticketing was enabled, any replies you send should have the From email address changed to be the submission address of the public folder.  It does not change the real name though.  It also does not change the From header if the message you are replying to is from a local address.

    For example, I have a public folder setup called Support, with a submission address set to  I log in to webmail as and reply to a message received from an external address in the Support public folder.  The message in my sent items folder has the following From header:

    From: "User1" <>

    When MDaemon processes the message, the content filter changes the From header to be:

    From: "User1" <>

    Are you wanting to change the "User1" portion or is the email address not being updated?

    If the email address is not being updated, please post a snippet from the content filter log that shows the message being processed by the content filter.


  • @Arron Hi, yes i want the user to disappear AND also the code we see, even more confusing:

    Re: {networking 18C2CCBWE9T} 

    The reply appears only with this option enabled, but this makes more confusion...





  • "Re: {networking 18C2CCBWE9T} " is intentionally added to the subject of the message as part of the public folder ticketing system.  This is what MDaemon is using to determine which From address should be used in the message.  You can adjust the content filter rules to remove the real name, but if you remove the values that are prepended in the subject, there is no way for MDaemon to determine what value should be used in the From header.

    One potential option is to use Remember Me with webmail and have the users login as the user that has the content you are trying to share.  Remember me does not solve the issue of multiple people trying to login to the same account at the same time, but it does make it much easier for users to log back in which has worked for some other customers.

    Another potential option is to use an IMAP client.  Typically IMAP clients allow you to specify the From Address used when sending mail and it allow multiple sessions logged into the same account at the same time.  


  • @Arron Ok, tx but for me it's a flaw in webclient.

  • Thanks for your feedback. We'll look into redesigning webmail for future versions.

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