LDAP | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.


  • Hello,

    Can mdaemon insert ldap record to 3rd party ldap server when we create an user on mdaemon?

  • MDaemon can be configured to store account data in an LDAP server or it can be conifgured to use an LDAP server as an address book.

    Here is a link to the details in the help file:


    If you configure MDaemon to use an LDAP server as the account database, you'll want the make sure the LDAP server is able to respond quickly so that it does not hinder the performance of the mail server.

  • Hi..

    I configure the LDAP like this pic, the LDAP server running on port 399

    When i create a user i got error 

  • The error indicats that it could not contact the LDAP server.  Verify the port, Bind DN and Base Entry DN are correct.  

    Then I would suggest checking the LDAP server logs for errors.

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