Managing lists of email with api | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

Managing lists of email with api

  • Hi, There is a API to dinamically manage a list? that is add a user to the list (read only or normal), and delete a user from a list? i see only list creations and delete.


    Giovanni Tomassini

  • Yes, there is an updatelist operation. Here is a example from the documentation:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    	<API productversion="23.5.0" serviceversion="">
    		<Request version="23.5" echo="1" verbose="0">
    					<Member action="remove" id=""/>
    					<Member action="add" id="" displayname="Nightcrawler" type="1"/>
    					<Member action="add" id="" displayname="Terry Luigi Kallberg" type="2"/>
    					<Member action="add" id="" displayname="Ikaris" type="4"/>
    					<Member action="add" id="" displayname="Viola Reichardt" type="3"/>
    					<Member action="edit" id="" type="2"/>
    					<Member action="edit" id="" type="3"/>
    					<Member action="edit" id="" type="1"/>
    					<Member action="edit" id="" type="4"/>
    		<Response version="23.5" et="1.326235">
    			<Status id="0" value="0x00000000" message="The operation completed successfully."/>

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