Shared Folder not visible in webmail | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

Shared Folder not visible in webmail

  • Since a few days we face some issue with the shared folders.

    We have some shared folders configurations setup since a long time and everything was working well since some days ago.

    Colleagues reported that they were missing some shared folders from their outlook (connected with mdeamon connector (formerly outlook connector)). When connecting the their webmail those shared folders were not present. But not all shared folder are not working, some are visible and some not.

    I did check the config in the UI, the remote admin webpage. I did remove the config, applaied and did a new one. The HIWATER.MRK file does contain the correct info in the [Access control] section. But It's not working...

    The only difference I see is that we upgraded to 23.5.2.

    Any suggestion to fix this issue ? Thanks in advance


  • What version did you upgrade from?

    What theme are you using in webmail?

    Do the users have the option to hide unsubscribed folders enabled?  It can be found under Option / Folders.  

    If the user logs into webmail and goes to options / folders, do you see the folders that are not working in the list of folders?

    Is the box checked to subscribe to the folder?  If its not checked, check the box and then go back to the folder list.  Are the folders listed now?

  • Arron, thanks for your reply...

    I did upgrade from 23.5.1

    In my knowledge almost everyone use the theme WorldClient.

    I checked for my account (whrere a new shared folder is not visible) and the option 'hide unsubscribed folders' is unchecked

    On the webmail \ Options \ Folders I do not see the shared folder in the listing.

    Loading the Folders list is very long. The setting page is loading (also slowly) then the box where are listed the folders is blank for a while then the list apears.

    When I try to change an option on the page (check or uncheck ie. 'hide unsubscribed folders' the page is unresponsive for while.

    Is the box checked to subscribe to the folder? 

    I don't find where I can check this in the webmail.





  • If you restart webmail, is the issue corrected?  Does it start happening again if you leave webmail running for a a long time?

    Does the MDaemon\WorldClient\Domains.ini file have HideUnsubscribedFolders=Yes, listed in any of the sections?  If you do find it, which sections is it in?

  • After restarting the webmail, the situation is the same.

    The is only one occurence of 'HideUnsubscribedFolders=No' in [Default:UserDefaults] section

  • Is it the same shared folders that are not working for everyone?  Or does each user have different shared folders that are not working for them?

    What browser are you using?

    What language are you using in webmail?

    Is Webmail running via IIS or its own web server?

    Have you cleared your browser cache?  If you have not, please log out of webmail, clear your cache of cached images an files, then log back in to webmail.  Do you still have the same issue?

    Can you post a screen shot of your folder list that highlight where the missing shared folders should be showing?  

    What type of folders are missing?  Are they email folders, contacts, calendards, etc?  Does the type of folder matter?

    If you disable the option to show folders by type, are you able to see the missing folders?  This option can be found in webmail by going to Options / Folders.

    If you are missing a shared documents folder, do you see it if you click Docs button?  If its a contacts folder, check the contact view, etc.

  • Arron, 

    This morning, the missing shared folders are present. Nothing happened this night except the autamated backup of user's mailboxes

    I'ts very stange...

    Anyway I will still respond to your questions 

    No the shared folders are not the same for everyone. Some pre existing shared folder are still visible, some have disapeared and all the new shared folders configurations I tried to setup are not visible.

    I tryied with the latest version of chrome, brave,  edge and firefox

    Language are mixed. I mainly use English but other are using French, Dutch

    Web server is MDeamon server

    I did not clear the cache, but tried with In private browsing (should start with a clear cache). The issue was also present with In private browsing. Tried on 3 browsers?

    The missing shared folders forlders were calendars, contacts and emails.

    I did not try to disable the 'show folders by type' option.

    For testing I did configure a shared calendar, contact and inbox, and all were missing in their 'location' in the webmail.

  • I'm glad that its working for you now.  If it starts happening again, please let us know.

    Thank you for the additional information, we'll do some more testing to see if we can figure out what was happening.

  • Thanks Arron, 


    I will watch this on the next few days and come back to you if needed.

  • Hi Arron,

    Just an FYI.. Myself and one of my resellers have run into this same issue. It resolved itself for us after about 24 to 48 hours without us doing anything. In both cases it happened when MDaemon was moved to a new box. Copied all the data over and was missing access to one of my shared folders.The access control was defined in the hiwater.mrk file correctly.  

    As it has already resolved I'm not sure if there's anything to look at to determine the cause but if there is anything I can do let me know.



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