Webmail Pro template small css override ? | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

Webmail Pro template small css override ?

  • In the last day I did switch from Worldclient to Pro Theme in the webmail.

    I do prefer the user interface of the worldclient theme but the Pro theme is much more faster. I do see a big difference in page loading, refresh, ... with this pro theme.

    But I do find it less 'readable' / clear than in the worldclient theme.

    Is it possible for me to make small css overrides ? That would not be erased by the updates...

    For example I would like to change the text-decoration of the from or subject classes

    in the list of messages:

    <div class="mail-list item-list">
     <ul class="list-group list-group-flush">
      <li class="message item list-group-item ...">
         <div class="from ..."> ... </div>
         <div class="subject ..."> ... </div>

    Thanks in advance...


  • At present, there are no options for customizing the Pro theme with stylesheets. I'll add this to the wishlist.

    However, can you please be more specific regarding "But I do find it less 'readable' / clear than in the worldclient theme." What kind of changes would you like to see?


  • I would like to have a better distinction between the from and the subject. And also do not display the attachments in the list as often it's signature images, pgp keys, ...

    I made small overrides locally. Here is an example of without and with the overrides.

    This example is not the most adequate because le emails in the list are the same, but with 'regular' emails I find it more easy to identify the sender ans the subject...

    Original template

    Override 3 css classes... (.from .subject and .attachment-list)


  • Thank you for the clarification, Axel. We'll take it into consideration for a future version. Perhaps additional options in the Message List Layout dialog to make these features configurable.

    Please note that you can also change the order of the message headers  by going to Settings -> Columns and rearanging the columns.

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