Coporate email templates | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

Coporate email templates

  • We have to create a company template and deploy it to the entire company.
    company so that anyone can use them. In addition, the templates may be modified.

    We have not seen any email template options at the company level.

    I see that each user can create their templates that are saved in "Standardanswer.js".
    We can create a template and put that template in all the ".js" of the users, but if we have to update the templates we would have to repeat the same process, which is very messy to maintain.

    Is there an option for email templates per company?

  • The centeralized management of email templates is on our wishlist and will be considered for future versions.

    Currently the only option would be to manage the templates by editing the StandardResponse.js file. 

    You may be able to write a powershell script to handle updating of the templates.  It looks like if you remove "var userTemplates = " from the beginning of the file and the ";" from the end of the file, you are left with JSON.


  • Hi Arro, 

    Thank you very much for your reply.

    Yes, the only way to maintain would be with a script updating "standardresponse.js".

    With centeralized management of email templates would be great. Hopefully it won't take too long ;)


  • If you are just overwriting the templates for all the users, it "should" be pretty easy.  Just copy the StandardResponse.js file that has all the templates you want the users to have to each users mailbox. 

    If you are trying to only update a single template, and leave any other templates that may exist alone, it is harder, but  still doable.  

    Which are you trying to do?


  • We want only one dept. to use a specific template to answer the emails.

    Putting templates in the affected users will be easy, the issue is to modify them, since users can have their own templates and being a single file, you should attack by the specific tag of the template and update it.

  • I wrote a script that will update an email template for all users that have a template with a given name.

    The script can be downloaded here:

    You'll need to provide your email and name in order to download.

    Once downloaded, you'll want to update the adjust the $Path, $TemplateToUpdate, $NewTemplateHTML, and $NewTemplateDescription for your environment.  To get the value for $NewTemplateDescription I would recommend logging into webmail and creating the template.  Then copy the value of HTML element from the users StandardResponse.js file.

    I've done a limited amount of testing. Please test the script in your environment before running it on a live server and be sure to back up your users StandardResponse.js files.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

  • @Arron Caruth 

    Hello Arron, I would be interested in your script too, but the file is no longer availible. Could you share it again?


  • Here is an updated link you can use to download the file:


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