Applying config by XML API
Hello! I'm using the XML API to add addresses to the sender blacklist. Using SenderBlock action="set", but the addresses added in this way don't work until I go to the MDaemon Configuration GUI and click the Apply button in any menu. What should I do to apply addresses immediately after adding them via the XML API?
Keith Staff
I'll look into this. It is posible that the MDaemon service is not reading the updated data and I may have to signal it. Will report back here my findings. May find a workaround for you for the time being and will create a work item for a permanent solution.
Maybe, as a temporary solution, it is possible to use some other xml api method that will force MDaemon to re-read the configuration file without making changes?
Keith Staff
For now... After modifying the Sender Block List, use the CreateSemaphore operation and create "SENDERBLOCKLIST.SEM"
Version 24.5 will no longer require that extra step. Solved this is several Settings_Security related areas.
@Keith This doesn't work. I'm making the following request:
<MDaemon> <API productversion="23.5.2" serviceversion=""> <Request verbose="0" echo="1" version="23.5"> <Operation>CreateSemFile</Operation> <Parameters> <Semaphore filename="SENDERBLOCKLIST.SEM"/> </Parameters> </Request> <Response version="23.5" et="0.000320"> <Status id="0" value="0x00000000" message="The operation completed successfully."/> <Result> <Semaphore filename="SENDERBLOCKLIST.SEM"/> </Result> </Response> </API> </MDaemon>
In GUI I see: SENDERBLOCKLIST.SEM unknown semaphore file found and deleted.I looked in the MDaemon's manual in the "Semaphore Files" section and didn't find such a file name there. Any ideas?
Keith Staff
In version 23.5, that would have been "SENDERBLACKLIST.SEM"
Apologies... Seems that even SEM file names changed when the push to change from Black/White to Block/Allow occurred.