Changing the extension of an attachment with the content filter
When compressing an attachment with the content filter, the file name can be changed, but the extension is fixed to ZIP. I would like an option to change the extension. Also, when compressing an attachment, I would like to insert a message such as "Example: Attachment compressed" into the message body.
In some industries in Japan, it is customary to change the extension of compressed files from "ZIP to ZI_" before sending and receiving them.
Arron Staff
The only way to have the files be renamed to ZI_ will be by using a custom script and having the content filter execute it.
Below is a script that should be very close to what you need. Please be careful, I have done very limited testing with this script. I would reccomend that you test it thoroughly before using it in your production environment. The script creates its own log file called MDaemon-$DATE$-Compress-Attachments.log in the MDaemon\Logs directory.
In order to use the script you will first need to download and install 7-Zip on your MDaemon server. Then create a content filter rule like the following:
RuleName=Compress Files in ZI_
Condition01=body|has attachment|AND|
Action01=run a program|"-1,0,0","C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -file c:\Temp\CompressAttachmentsRenameZIP.ps1 $MESSAGEFILENAME$"You'll want to adjust the conditions on the content filter rule to meet your needs. If you want to add a warning about attachments being compressed you can adjust this rule to do it using the "Add a warning to the top of the message" action.
param( [string]$MSGFileName ) ################################################################################################################################ ################################################################################################################################ ## Put attachments in compressed file using ZI_ extension v 1.0.0 ## ## August 15, 2024 ## ## Copyright MDaemon Technologies 2024 ## ## ## ## This script is designed to be ran by the content filter in MDaemon. It accepts the path to a message file as a parameter. ## ## The script extracts all attachments from the passed message and places them in a zip file that is then ## ## attached to the email. ## ## ## ## MDaemon Technologies offers no warranty, provides no support, and is not responsible for any damages that may be arise ## ## from the use of this script. Use at your own risk. ## ## ## ################################################################################################################################ ################################################################################################################################ clear function Get-PrivateProfileString ($Path, $Category, $Key) { ############################################################################# ## ## Get-PrivateProfileString ## ## From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O'Reilly) ## by Lee Holmes ( ## ############################################################################## <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves an element from a standard .INI file .EXAMPLE Get-PrivateProfileString c:\windows\system32\tcpmon.ini ` "<Generic Network Card>" Name Generic Network Card #> Set-StrictMode -Version Latest ## The signature of the Windows API that retrieves INI ## settings $signature = @' [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] public static extern uint GetPrivateProfileString( string lpAppName, string lpKeyName, string lpDefault, StringBuilder lpReturnedString, uint nSize, string lpFileName); '@ ## Create a new type that lets us access the Windows API function $type = Add-Type -MemberDefinition $signature ` -Name Win32Utils -Namespace GetPrivateProfileString ` -Using System.Text -PassThru ## The GetPrivateProfileString function needs a StringBuilder to hold ## its output. Create one, and then invoke the method $builder = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder 1024 $null = $type::GetPrivateProfileString($category, $key, "", $builder, $builder.Capacity, $path) ## Return the output $builder.ToString() } function GetRegistryValue($Key, $Name){ Log "Checking $Key" if(Test-Path $Key) { $Value = (Get-ItemProperty $Key -Name $Name).$Name if($Value -eq $null) { #This is included to clear the error that is set when the $Key exists but the $Name does not. $Error.Clear() } } if(!(Test-Path $Key) -or ($Value -eq $null) -or ($Value.Length -eq 0)) { $Base = Split-Path (Split-Path $Key) $Leaf2 = Split-Path $key -Leaf $Leaf1 = Split-Path (Split-Path $key) -Leaf $SysWownode = Join-Path (Join-Path (Join-Path $Base "Wow6432Node") $Leaf1) $Leaf2 if(Test-Path $SysWownode) { Log "The registry key value is empty or does not exist, checking $SysWownode." $Value = (Get-ItemProperty $SysWowNode -Name $Name).$Name if(($Value -eq $null) -or ($Value.Length -eq 0)) { Log "We can't find the registry key values, the script will now stop." exit } else { $Error.Clear() return $Value } } else { Log "We can't find the registry key values, the script will now stop." exit } } else { return $Value } } function Log($string, $color){ if($string -ne $null) { if($global:LoggedScriptStarting -ne "Yes") { $global:LoggedScriptStarting = "Yes" Log "Starting Script run at $MyDate.`r`n" } if ($color -eq $null) { $color = "White" } write-host $string -ForegroundColor $color if ($LogFile -ne $null) { $string | out-file -Filepath $LogFile -append } } } function Load-EmlFile ($MSGFileName){ if($MSGFileName -eq "" -or (!(Test-Path $MSGFileName))) { Log "The File name, $MSGFileName, is empty or does not exist. This is a critical error. The script will now exit." exit } $AdoDbStream = New-Object -ComObject ADODB.Stream $AdoDbStream.Type = 1 $AdoDbStream.Open() $AdoDbStream.LoadFromFile($MSGFileName) $CdoMessage = New-Object -ComObject CDO.Message $CdoMessage.DataSource.OpenObject($ADoDBStream,"_Stream") $AdoDbStream.Close() return $CdoMessage } function Save-EmlFile ($Message, $OutputFile) { Log "Saving updated message to disk as $OutputFile" $Message.GetStream().SaveToFile($OutputFile,2) } function AddFiletoArchive ($FileName, $Archive) { Log "Adding $FileName to $Archive using the following arguments:" $Args = "a `"$Archive`" `"$FileName`"" Log $Args $EXE1 = Start-Process $7Zip -ArgumentList $Args -Wait Log $EXE1.ExitCode } Function GET-RandomString($Length, $SourceData) { For ($loop=1; $loop –le $Length; $loop++) { $TempPassword+=($SourceData | GET-RANDOM) } return $TempPassword } $MDINIPath = GetRegistryValue "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Alt-N Technologies\MDaemon" "IniPath" $TempPath = Get-PrivateProfileString $MDINIPath "Directories" "Temp" $RAWPath = Get-PrivateProfileString $MDINIPath "Directories" "Raw" $LogPath = Get-PrivateProfileString $MDINIPath "Directories" "LogFiles" $CurrentDate = Get-Date $LogFileDate = (Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM-dd) $LogFile = join-path $LogPath "MDaemon-$LogFileDate-Compress-Attachments.log" $alphabet=$NULL;For ($a=65;$a –le 90;$a++) {$alphabet+=,[char][byte]$a } #$MSGFileName = "C:\MDaemon\Queues\Bad\pd35000003755.msg" $OutputFile = $MSGFileName #"C:\MDaemon\Queues\Bad\pd35000003756.msg" $7Zip = "$env:ProgramFiles\7-Zip\7z.exe" if(!(Test-Path $7zip)) { $7Zip = "$env:ProgramW6432\7-Zip\7z.exe" Log "$7Zip does not exist. Trying $7Zip." if(!(Test-Path $7Zip)) { Log "$7zip does not exist." Log "Error: Could not find 7z.exe. The script will now exist." exit } } Log "The path to the 7-Zip EXE is $7Zip." Log "The MDaemon INI path is: $MDINIPath" Log "The Temp path is: $TempPath" Log "The Raw Files path is: $RAWPath" Log "The Log path is: $LogPath" Log "Cleaning up empty directories from $TempPath" Get-ChildItem $TempPath -recurse | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -eq $True -and $_.GetFiles().Count -eq 0} | Remove-Item -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Log "Loading $MSGFileName" $MSG = Load-EmlFile $MSGFileName $MSGID = $MSG.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:Message-ID").Value Log "The message ID is $MSGID." $Attachments = $MSG.Attachments if($Attachments.Count -gt 0) { Log "There were $($Attachments.Count) attachments found." $From = $MSG.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:From").Value $To = $MSG.Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:x-mdaemon-deliver-to").Value $MSGSubject = $MSG.Subject $ArchiveFileName = $Attachments.Item(1).FileName Log "The name of the attachment is $ArchiveFileName." $ArchiveFileName = [io.path]::ChangeExtension($ArchiveFileName, "zip") Log "Setting the Archive file name to $ArchiveFileName." $RandFolder = GET-RandomString "10" $alphabet $AttachPath = Join-Path $TempPath $RandFolder if(!(Test-Path $AttachPath)) { Log "Creating a folder named $RandFolder in the Temp path." $null = New-Item $AttachPath -ItemType directory } Log "The attachment path is: $AttachPath" $ArchivePath = Join-Path $AttachPath $ArchiveFileName Log "The archive file name is: $ArchivePath" Log "Creating an Archive file" Foreach($Attachment in $Attachments) { $Count = 1 $AttachmentFileName = $($Attachment.FileName) Log "Found an attachment named $AttachmentFileName" $FileAttachPath = Join-Path $AttachPath $AttachmentFileName $AttachmentFileNameWOExtension = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($AttachmentFileName) $AttachmentFileNameExtension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($AttachmentFileName) While((Test-Path $FileAttachPath) -or ($AttachmentFileName -eq $ArchiveFileName)) { $AttachmentFileName = $AttachmentFileNameWOExtension + "(" + $Count + ")" + $AttachmentFileNameExtension $FileAttachPath = Join-Path $AttachPath $AttachmentFileName $Count++ } Log "Saving to $FileAttachPath." $Attachment.SavetoFile($FileAttachPath) AddFiletoArchive $FileAttachPath $ArchivePath } if(Test-Path $ArchivePath) { Log "Removing all attachments from $MSGFileName" $Attachments.DeleteAll() $NewName = $ArchivePath.replace(".zip",".zi_") Log "Renaming to $NewName" Rename-Item -Path $ArchivePath –NewName $NewName Log "Adding $NewName attachment to $MSGFileName" $MSG.AddAttachment($NewName) Save-EmlFile $MSG $OutputFile } else { Log "Error: The compressed file could not be found at $ArchivePath. The script will now exit without making any changes." } Log "Removing all files and folders from $AttachPath" Remove-Item "$AttachPath\*" -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if(Test-Path $AttachPath) { Log "Removing $AttachPath from disk." Remove-Item $AttachPath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } else { Log "No attachments were found in $MSGFileName with Message ID of $MSGID. Nothing is being done." } $CurrentDate = Get-Date Log "`r`nEnding Script run at $CurrentDate." Log "----------"