Migrate Exchange Public Folders
New to MDaemon, testing it to replace Exchange 2010.
We have successfully been able to migrate a user from exchange to MDaemon email server. The import copied over all the Public Folders that that user has access to (I assume). However there is no data (items) in those public folders or more importantly, the Calendars.
I've looked at the ACL's on this user and played around with adding View Folder and Read permissions without any change.
Is this expected behavour, and if so, what is needed to bring over the data in those Public Folders?
Arron Staff
Have you followed the instructions in the MDaemon\app\MDMigrator.txt file to configure the environment?
Is the Outlook profile that is being used an administrator account for Exchange that has access to all the data?
What does the MDaemon\Logs\Migration.log file show is happening?
Thank you Arron for the follow up. I went back and deleted the Public folders and ran through all the steps again before initiating another pull. I must have missed a step last time. It failed to pull data again but this time there was a log created which lead me back to the KB on removing the Virtual Registry entries.
After removing the Public Folders one more time and rerunning the MDMigration tool on one user account, many hours later, all the data was imported.
One quick question since we are looking at a 'hard cut-over' from the Exchange server, will subsequent account moves, only update Public Folder data that has changed since the last import?
Oh, not that this is a make or break, but I see that PDF items a couple of Public Folders where imported as winmail.dat file attachments. Once the extention is changed back to .PDF the files can be opened as the original PDF file.