Let's Encrypt Certificate
I want to try to generate a certificate with Let's Encrypt, but I have a small problem. Port 80 cannot be used because it is used by a web server of the company. The MDaemon mail server has SMTP, POP3, IMAP and 81 and 443 ports open to the internet.
The documentation I read about MDaemon and Let's Encrypt uses port 80 which must be accessible from the Internet. In our case, port 80 is redirected to a web server and not to the MDaemon server.
Can the ports 81 or 443 be used to obtain a Let's Encrypt certificate with MDaemon?.
Can I get the certificate with Let's Encrypt on another server and import it into MDaemon?.
Thanks in advance
Arron Staff
LetsEncrypt requires port 80 to complete HTTP challenges and the script we use only supports HTTP challenges. There are third party tools you could use to request the certificate from LetsEncrypt.
>Can I get the certificate with Let's Encrypt on another server and import it into MDaemon?.
Yes, but unless you are using a wild card certificate from LetsEncrypt, the host name will be wrong on the certificate and lead to additional issues.
I used certbot on Ubuntu machine and I think I can generate a certificate with the proper host name. I'm very new to this tools like certbot. I was able to generate a certificate with the host name that I wanted for a webserver that uses a subdomain with certbot in standalone mode.
How can I import a certificate in MDaemon?
Arron Staff
You will need to import the certificate into the operating systems certificate store. This can be found in the help file at https://help.mdaemon.com/mdaemon/en/ssl_creating_and_using_ssl_certifi.html. I've included the relevant steps below for your convienence. You will need to make sure that the private key is imported for the certificate. If you do not import the private key, it cannot be used by MDaemon.
Using Certificates Issued by a Third-party CA
If you have purchased or otherwise generated a certificate from some source other than MDaemon, you can still use that certificate by using the Microsoft Management Console to import it into the certificate store that MDaemon uses.
1. On your Windows toolbar, click Start » Run... and then type "mmc /a" into the text box.
2. Click OK.
3. In the Microsoft Management Console, click File » Add/Remove Snap-in... on the menu bar (or press Ctrl+M on your keyboard).
4. On the Standalone tab, click Add...
5. On the Add Standalone Snap-in dialog, click Certificates, and then click Add.
6. On the Certificates snap-in dialog, choose Computer account, and then click Next.
7. On the Select Computer dialog, choose Local computer, and then click Finish.
8. Click Close, and click OK.
9. Under Certificates (Local Computer) in the left pane, if the certificate that you are importing is self-signed, click Trusted Root Certification Authorities and then Certificates. If it is not self-signed then click Personal.
10. On the menu bar, click Action » All Tasks » Import..., and click Next.
11. Enter the file path to the certificate that you wish to import (using the Browse button if necessary), and click Next.
12. Click Next, and click Finish.
We want to make changes to our OPNSense firewall to allow simultaneous access to our mail server and other WEB services that we have added to our local network.
We thought about installing a reverse proxy in the firewall OPNSense. We have several options to choose Caddy, HAProxy and nginx. What we are not clear about is how to configure them correctly so that the MDaemon server can obtain the certificates with Let's encrypt directly without having to install them manually on the MDaemon server.
Is there any MDaemon configuration guide with reverse proxy that you can recommend?
Arron Staff
We do not have a guide for conifguring a reverse proxy with MDaemon, however, the reverse proxy that you choose will usually have instructions for configuring TCP and UDP ports for services running behind them. Almost everything in MDaemon uses TCP ports, the only things that do not are Minger and DNS Lookups. The DNS Lookups use UDP and TCP, and they are typically outbound to your DNS server.