LCK file under user mailbox | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

LCK file under user mailbox

  • Hello,

    I have a few users who have been complaining for the past month that, in the morning, they are not receiving any emails, and Webmail won't open.

    Today, I tried to troubleshoot this issue and found that an .lck file was in the mailbox and could not be opened or deleted (it said the file was in use by another application). After a few minutes, it disappeared, and the user started receiving emails. Webmail also started working normally.

    What could be causing this? Right now, only these two users are experiencing this issue. Their mailboxes are not very large—one is less than 1GB, and the other is around 10GB.

    Both use IMAP only.

    Thank you!

  • What version of MDaemon is being used?

    What is the name of the lck file in the mailbox and where in the mailbox does it reside?

    What are the created and modified time spams on LCK file?  

    Is there an active IMAP session for the account while the LCK file is on disk?

    What does the IMAP log show is happening?

    Its normal for LCK files to be created, but they should always be removed when MDaemon is done with whatever activity its doing that requires the lock. And normally they do not exist on disk for a long period of time.

  • Hi Arron,

    Sorry for the late reply, I was waiting to see if that issue ocurred again, but it has been ok.

    I do not remember the name of the file, but I am sure that it had a lck extension and it was in the inbox (root of the mailbox users).

    If I see this issue again, I will recollect all the data.

    Thank you!


  • That happened again today.

    The .lck file is Messages.Mrk.lck, and it has been there for about 10 minutes now. The file size is 46KB. There is also another .lck file in Mdaemon\LockFiles\

    There are no errors in the IMAP log, and an IMAP session is active.

    Edit: I found that there is an ActiveSync account for this user. We have been experiencing this issue with ActiveSync since version 22.00.

    Thank you!

  • What are the created and modified times on the LCK files?  

    What version of MDaemon is being used?

    When you say the file size is 46KB are you referring to the Messages.Mrk.LCK file or the Messages.MRK file?  Can you upload a copy of both files to us?

    What does the IMAP log show is happening around the time the LCK files were created?

    Is there a device that regularly access the account via ActiveSync?  Was the user using the device around the time the locks were created?  What does the ActiveSync log show is happening for that user around the time the LCK files were created?

    Does this issue only occur for users that are also using ActiveSync?

    Can you post log snippets from the IMAP log and ActiveSync logs from around the time the issue is occurring?  Or upload the log files to us so we can look,

    If you upload files, please let us know the name of the files you upload as well as the email address of the user having the issue and an approximate time the issue started.

    If you just give it time, are the lck files eventually removed?


  • The modify time of the file is just the moment as the email account stop working, for example, right now both .lck files at 14:53.

    I am running 24.5.2

    The file in mailbox user is 46kb and the one in lockfiles has 0kb. Sometimes I can open the one in mailbox users: 2025-02-10T20:53:03.237Z
    SessionID:27A6C848. the other one says that is locked and cannot be opened.

    There are no errors in IMAP logs.

    We have this issue with almost every user using ActiveSync. Right now just few users still use ActiveSync, I switched everyone to IMAP to avoid this situation.

    250210 145302767 I [27A6C82C] 0x41330080 Connection: IP: RM:POST SSL:On UA:Outlook-iOS-Android/1.0 QS:Cmd=Sync& LNG:en CT=application/ CL=103 TID:0x00021174 
    250210 145302767 I [27A6C82C] 0x41310044 Connection: Client Info: Outlook (73fa25d64a3f4b37a76e02d9738a1988)[14.0]  PK:<not sent> MP:No CMD:0
    250210 145302767 I [27A6C82C] 0x41330008 Authenticated:
    250210 145302767 I [27A6C82C] 0x41310518 Operation: Sync
    250210 145302772 I [27A6C82C] 0x4131169E CID:CI-00000000000000000000000000002 CSK:2025-02-10T20:44:27.436Z Get:Yes Submit:No
    250210 145303174 I [27A6C82C] 0x4131160C CID:CI-00000000000000000000000000002 Server Items to Sync:1
    250210 145303174 I [27A6C82C] 0x41311600 Add 1 items

    In IMAP logs there are no info about that specific time, for that user.

    The .lck file eventually removed by them self. With other users I saw the file stuck for hours until I restart webmail. But as I said before, I moved the users from ActiveSync to IMAP. There are just few still using ActiveSync.

    When I got the report from this users, the first thing I asked was if she was using ActiveSync, but I was told that she was not. But today I found her account in ActiveSync client Management.

    Here is link from my previuos post about this issue:

    Thank you!

  • @Abel I just sent a message to your email address requesting additional information and log data.  Could you please reply back to that message with the requested information and upload those files?

    Jared Charles

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