Userlist to Public-Addressbook. | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

Userlist to Public-Addressbook.

  • Hello,

    MDaemon / Export / Userlist to Public-Addressbook.
    This create Addrbook.mrk in the Public Directory under Contacts.

    Can I also run the command via the CMD console?

    MDaemon also creates these automatically, but without the user list.


  • What are you trying to accomplish?  If you are wanting to keep the public addressbook for each domain up to date with the user list, there are options to do this under Setup / Server Settings / Public & Shared Folders, Keep contact folders up to date with MDaemon account data and Add and remove contacts when accounts enabled/disabled.  Have you tried them, are they not working for you?

    If you are wanting something else, the best option I can think of is to use the XML-API to get the contacts from the public address book.

    I was not able to find a command line option to tell MDaemon to export the user accounts.

  • Hello Arron,

    this setting is activated, the Addrbook.mrk is also created. When will the contacts be automatically transferred to Addrbook.mrk again?


  • When you add, delete, or edit accounts in MDaemon the change should occur in the public contact folder immediately. 

    The easiest way to see if this is happening is to open the \MDaemon\Public Folders\$DOMAIN$.IMAP\Contacts.IMAP\ folder and open the AddrBook.mrk file in something like Notepad++. When the file changes, notepad++ will detect the change and ask you if you want to reload the file.  Open MDaemon and make a change, then check to see if the change is made in the file.  

    If the change is not made in the file, what change did you make?  How did you make it (Mdaemon UI, Remote Administration, XML-API, etc)  

    Can you also post a screen shot of your configurations for Public folders? (Setup / Server Settings / Public & Shared Folders).


  • A long time ago on the real system I separated the users' last name and first name with a comma.
    When I exported to VCard, there was no comma between the last name and first name in the VCard more present but in between. 
    Johantan told me that MDaemon export is usually corresponds and everything
    is exported correctly.

    On my test system I deleted Addrbook.mrk in the public Contacts folder because I assumed that MDaemon would create them again.
    Yes, MDaemon creates the Addrbook.mrk after a short time, but it only has an Addressbook header.
    There are no users even after a few hours.
    If I create a new user, it is immediately entered into Addrbook.mrk, but the remaining users from the system are not present.
    So I assume that the Addrbook.mrk is only updated with new users or those that already exist in the file?

    Since I didn't want to use MDaemon / Export / Contacts to public folders, that's why I asked if I could use one the program from
    C:\MDaemon\App can be used via CMD with a parameter for this.

    Another guess, MDaemon doesn't update users once created in other configuration files either?
    After removing the comma in the user settings (last name first name), the user still has a comma e.g. in the mailing list.
    The entry is updated only by removing it and adding it again.


  • So I assume that the Addrbook.mrk is only updated with new users or those that already exist in the file?

    Correct, MDaemon only updates the domain's contact list when an account is altered, the option is enabled to maintain the contact list, or the admin chooses the export option.  MDaemon expects that nothing else is altering the contact list when its maintaining it.  If something else does alter it, you'll need to tell MDaemon to export all the users again.

    It sounds like you just need MDaemon to rebuild the contact list.  Why don't you want to use the MDaemon / Export / Contacts to public folders option? 


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