Event Reminder Timer Error (Iphone Activesync) | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

Event Reminder Timer Error (Iphone Activesync)

  • Iphone IOS: 18.3.1

    MDaemon 24.5.2

    Notes: User has enabled a default reminder for new events for 15 minutes on MDaemon and user has also created a default time on iphone. (Settings > Calendar > Default Alert Times > Events 15 Minutes)

    User work flow: User creates an event on iphone calendar application as standard and in alert section Default 15 minutes is checked off and user does not change. User creates the event and on the MDaemon side this time is not reflected the reminder section is off. If the user removes the default timer from their ios device settings and manully inputs desired time. When the event is created it then reflectes on the MDaemon side and the event shows whatever time the user selected.

    Tested this the other direction turning off MDaemon side default timer and its the same behavior. 

    Second issue: For events that the user is already enrolled into they wanted to be able to adjust the reminder time for prevouis exisiting recurring events but whenever the adjustment is made to adjust all future and all events the change is not reflected. 

  • The phone should be including the reminder time in the event when it is sync'd to the server.  It probably is not sending the reminder time.

    In MDemon, edit the client settings for the user having the issue and set "Archive transactions as XML" to Yes. (Main | Account Manager | Select the account | Edit | ActiveSync Client Settings) This causes MDaemon to log every XML request and response for this user.  These logs will contains everything that is sent between the device and the server while its enabled. You'll want to turn this back off when you are done testing.

    Then make sure that the Log Level is set to debug for ActiveSync (ActiveSync | diagnostics).

    Reproduce the issue and then zip the all the files in the \MDaemon\Logs\AirSync\$DOMAIN$\$MAILBOX$\$CLIENTID$\$DATE$\ directory along with a copy of the AirSync log and upload them to us at https://mdaemon.sharefile.com/r-rc3922c1eed334d4dbf5e34f0bd04ccd6

    If you find the XML request from the phone synching the data to the server, you can open it and see if the Reminder is set, it should look like this:

    <Reminder xmlns="Calendar:">15</Reminder>

    Second issue: For events that the user is already enrolled into they wanted to be able to adjust the reminder time for prevouis exisiting recurring events but whenever the adjustment is made to adjust all future and all events the change is not reflected. 

    What steps is the user taking to adjust the reminder time on the recurring event? If they are making the adjustment from their phone, the same troubleshooting steps as above will help us to see what is happening.


  • Thanks for the quick response. 

    I'm having trouble with settings log level to debug. Where exactly do I find this because I can see it.

    - Setup > Activesynce > *Then im not seeing where in these sections I can set it to debug*


    Second issue: For events that the user is already enrolled into they wanted to be able to adjust the reminder time for prevouis exisiting recurring events but whenever the adjustment is made to adjust all future and all events the change is not reflected. 

    The user has an existing recurring event in their calendar, then they're adjusting this event's reminder by going into Calendar on webmail Event > Edit > Reminder > *Current no reminder in place*> Selects 15 Minutes > Save to all occurring 

    - The change is not being reflected in the following events in the future. They're not the creator of the event. They're just modifying their own calendar.


  • Disregard first section of last message. 


  • The user has an existing recurring event in their calendar, then they're adjusting this event's reminder by going into Calendar on webmail Event > Edit > Reminder > *Current no reminder in place*> Selects 15 Minutes > Save to all occurring 

    What theme is being used in webmail?

    How are you checking the reminder?  Are you checking it in webmail or using some other client? How far into the future are you checking?  


  • @Arron

    Theme: Lookout

    Client: Webmail and other than than 'native ios' calendar nothing else is used.

    Checking 4 weeks into the future from the point of change, the event is every 2 weeks. 

  • I have not been able to reproduce the issue yet. 

    Does the same thing happen on all events or just certain events?

    Are there any errors in the webmail log when the user attempts to change the reminder time?

    Can you upload the user's Calendar.mrk file from the \MDaemon\Users\arron.altn.com\Arron\Calendar.IMAP\ directory along with a copy of the webmail log that includes the time period when the user attempted to change the reminder time?

    You can upload it to https://mdaemon.sharefile.com/r-rc3922c1eed334d4dbf5e34f0bd04ccd6

    Please let me know the subject of the event that this is happening for, the name of the user that is making the change, as well as the name of the file you uploaded.

  • Still gathering the logs for you. 

    Please find this thread below, same issue and step by step problem.


  • Sorry I should have been more clear, my last response was in regards to issue #2.  I've reproduced issue #1 an in my testing it is because IOS is not sending the reminder. If IOS doesn't send the reminder, it does not get set on the server. I've asked for the logs to confirm the same thing is happening in your environment.

    Everything below is in regards to Issue #2.

    I have not been able to reproduce the issue yet. 

    Does the same thing happen on all events or just certain events?

    Are there any errors in the webmail log when the user attempts to change the reminder time?

    Can you upload the user's Calendar.mrk file from the \MDaemon\Users\arron.altn.com\Arron\Calendar.IMAP\ directory along with a copy of the webmail log that includes the time period when the user attempted to change the reminder time?

    You can upload it to https://mdaemon.sharefile.com/r-rc3922c1eed334d4dbf5e34f0bd04ccd6

    Please let me know the subject of the event that this is happening for, the name of the user that is making the change, as well as the name of the file you uploaded.

  • Following up, we won't be able to provide you the logs but we can see the issue. We've reported the issue to both microsoft and ios development teams. Apart from this what else can be done? 

    Disregard the second issue this was an event specific issue. 

  • So far the only ways we have found to work around issue #1 are to not set a default reminder time on the iphone or to always change the reminder time when creating an event.

  • This is what we are telling users to do for the time being, we wanted to attempt to use outlook mobile application but the only issue is that it is limited to 30days sync / 1000 per folder. Some users need unlimited feature, we will update this thread if we get anyone respondes with a solution from development side. 

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