Pro Theme - attached eml | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

Pro Theme - attached eml

  • In Theme Pro, clicking on an .eml attachment downloads it instead of opening it in the browser itself.  Once the .eml is downloaded, Chrome will open it, but Firefox will not.

    With the LookOut or Worldclient theme, it opens in both browsers without a problem.  Only the PRO theme fails.

    Mdaemon Version: 24.5.2


  • I was able to reproduce the issue and have submitted a work item for the development team to review.

  • This has been fixed for the next beta release of MDaemon 25.0.0, which should happen in the next few days.  We are planning for the public release of MDaemon 25.0.0 in March.

  • Thank you very much for the support , Arron!

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