Calendar reminder Issue | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

Calendar reminder Issue

  • Hello, 


    I am experiencing issue with reminder in calendar appointment.

    I  have a recursive appointment where there are 7 attendees. Two of them does not received the reminder via email even though the settings in the mdaemon calendar are setted well.
    All of them are internal mailbox. 

    These two users receive reminder from other appointment correctly.

    I can not deleted the appointment and recreate it.


    Someone can help me?

  • What version of MDaemon are you using?

    What theme are the users using in webmail?

    Is there an entry in the MDaemon\App\Reminders.dat file for the users that do not receive the reminder?  If there is an entry, can you post the <Reminder> data for us?

    If there is, is the path to their calendar folder set correctly?

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