copy email when sent but exclude archive copy | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

copy email when sent but exclude archive copy

  • Have a user who wants a copy of the emails he sends sent to him, he does this with outlook rule now but had a situation where it copied but was not sent to the server for whatever reason so he thought it was sent successfully since he got a copy but it was not since it was stuck in the outbox for whatever reason.  I want to use content filter to do this for him on the server side instead but i use the archive feature and when i copy the message it also sends a copy of the archive copy to the user i want to only copy the original but not the archive copy any way to do this?  I don't see any "except" type rules available.  Also the warning below is added to the original message i would like to add it to the copy is there a way to do that instead of adding it to the original message.  Thanks.


    cf rule

  • Hi 

    Try to extract the file first and then copy the message.

    I think it should work

  • Hello,

    I was able to create a couple of content filter rules that will make a copy of all messages sent from a user, and exclude archive copies, but I was not able to find a way using actions in the content filter to add a warning to only the copy that is created.    

    RuleName=skip archives
    Condition01=X-MDArchive-Copy|is equal to|AND|1|
    Action01=skip rule|"1"
    RuleName=Copy outbound for User
    Action01=copy to dir|"C:\MDaemon\Users\company.test\user\outbound.IMAP\"

    If you need to alter the copy, I'd suggest looking at running a powershell script from the content filter that can make the copies, alter it, and place it in the desired location.


  • @Arron Thanks was out last week but will give that a try

  • Makes copy for each person sent to anyway to just do one, tried stop processing rules but each recipient is own message i guess

  • I have not found a way to send a single copy of the message back to the sender using a content filter rule when there are multiple recipients on the email.  When the mail server receives the message, it creates a copy for each recipient.  The only difference between the messages is the intended recipient. 

    I think this could be done with a script that keeps track of the message IDs of all recent messages that were processed.


  • Thanks i'll look into that

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