WorldClient user all unread and 0KB size | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

WorldClient user all unread and 0KB size

  • Hello,

    I have a user with an issue. In worldclient all the emails in the inbox folder show as unread and with zero size.

    The other folders are fine, just the inbox folder. 

    He uses ActiveSync on his phone and this morning he told me that it was working slowly. On his computer he uses Outlook Connector but he rarely opens it.

    I updated the MDaemon server last night to version 23.

    Can you help me fix this, please?

    I found another issue now, the activesync is too slow. It does not sync with phones or take a lot of time to download an email.

    We are running the lasted version of it



    I found the issue but I do not know how to solve it.

     ActiveSync clients report to me a very slow performance. Later some users, mostly with very large mailboxes, start having issues getting emails. I was looking into this and I found that there are files in lockfiles folder (one per user) from these accounts that are not removed and cannot be deleted. If I stop the server then the files disappear and momentarily their mailboxes start working again until an lck file gets stuck again.

    The ActiveSync log shows "MRK cache: Another session has the file (000***) locked.

    IMAP seems to be working fine. We do not use POP. My antivirus has an exception to not scan Mdaemon folder (bitdefender).




  • The lock file indicates that MDaemon is processing something in the mailbox and likely explains why the webmail is not showing the correct size or message status.  If you leave the files in place and let MDaemon continue, does it ever remove the lock files?  The files will be removed automatically when MDaemon is done processing.

    What version of MDaemon were you running prior to the upgrade?

  • If you run process explorer you should be able to search for the name of an LCK file.  This will tell you what process has the LCK file open, this will also be the process that created the LCK file.  Once we know the process, you can collect a series of memory dumps that will show up what is going on.

    To collect the memory dumps follow the KB article here,

    Reach out to me privately and I'll provide a link to upload the files.  You can email me at, please reference this post.


  • I already paid for the support over the phone to solve this, I was talking with Tyler. He is checking dumps and log files.

    Answering your questions, the lck files are being locked by worldclient.exe, It was running the 22 version, but active sync was not updated at the same because the license expired, so when we start seeing this issue yesterday, we renew the license to have it also updated.

    If I leave the files in place they stay there for a long time. They disappear eventually but after an hour or so, but after that, another file goes there and stays there again locking the email account again.

  • Ok, thanks for the dump files, logs, and patience.  We'll get it figured out as soon as possible.

  • Thank you Arron.

    Hope you find a solution soon, I am moving some users to IMAP in the meantime, but is not an easy task.

  • Hello Arron,

    I know that you are working on this but I do not have any news, Tyler is not responding my emails and I still have complains from my users.

    Do you think that will be a good idea to downgrade until a find a solution?


  • Tyler is working with another customer right now and has been unable to get back to you. He will be sending you a very similar response to this in the near future.

    Our developers have looked at the dump files and concluded that disk performance is the major cause.  MDaemon 23.0.0 added support for synching categories between ActiveSync and Webmail. This increased disk i/o and we are thinking your disks are unable to handle the additional load.  Our development team is working on building a custom dll that disables this synchronization to see if it fixes the issue.  If it does, then we'll have to find another way to handle it.

    We will get you the custom dll as soon as its ready, Thank you for your patience.


  • Yes, he sent me an email, about this.

    Well, I will wait then to follow the next steps.

    Thank you!

  • Its proving to be more complicated than we thought ad taking longer than we had hoped to disable the feature that we think is causing the issue. 

    In case its helpful, you should be able to work around the issue by synching fewer folders and/or less mail.    

  • Thank you Arron,

    I have a few questions, synching a few folders, it can be controlled under ActiveSync manager, clients, custom client settings and then folderSync options?

    My other question is about the hard disks, you believe that my HDs cannot handle the new feature? What could be the requirements then? I have enterprise-class SATA disks, RAID 1 for windows, and RAID 10 for mailboxes. My server is old, probably 6 years old now, but it worked fine before version 23.

  • Users an configure the folders to by synched on each ActiveSync device.  Admins can limit the number of folders that users are allowed to sync by going to Setup / ActiveSync / Tuning.  There is an option for Maximum # of folders.  

    We are still working on making debug files that disable the feature, until that is done, and we are able to get a confirmation from you that the behavior has returned to what it was before, we are only making educated guesses about what is causing it.  

    There is a balance between system capabilities, data users are allowed to keep/sync, features, and performance.  In this case we think the new feature has increased disk I/O sufficientlty to exceed the capability of the drives being used.  We won't know for sure until the debug files are available and tested.  If we are right, then reducing the content being synch'd by ActiveSync should help until we are able to make adjustments.  


  • Thanks, I am minimizing the issue, by moving users from ActiveSync to IMAP. I hope you can find a solution soon.

    Thanks again.

  • It was going to be more work than expected to revert the change, so we redesigned the implementation and improved the disk I/O. 

    I have a new set of files for anyone that would like to test it.  There are 14 new dlls and exes  that have received a limited amount of testing, if you decide to proceed with testing the files, please use caution.  

    If you want to test them, please backup all the current files on disk and then download the new files from

    Extract the files to correct location on disk, based on the folder structure in the zip file.  Once all the fies are extracted, restart mdaemon.  

    These files can only be used with MDaemon 23.0.0.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

  • I will test tomorrow after busy hours and I will let you know Monday.


  • Hi Arron,

    Unfortunately, the issue still continues after the replacement of the files. The disk that stores the mailboxes is almost 100% active time during busy hours and this morning I had to restart worldclient because a user using ActiveSync with outlook was not getting emails.

    I cannot be sure if before version 23 the disk was overloaded like right now but I am sure that the system was working fine. 

  • Hello Arron and Tyler,

    Do you have any news about this? I am thinking to downgrade the Mdaemon, but not sure if it will be a good idea.


  • Abel, 


    We did receive your latest reply and we will continue working with you on the support email concerning this issue.  


    Thank you, 




  • Hello,

    I was requested by email to send dump files, but I cannot send them by email, so I asked if I can upload them somewhere but after 2 days, I do not have any reply. 

    Are you still working on my case? I paid to have phone support about this a month ago. 


  • Hello sir, 

    Thank you for your patience.  We have received your dump files and are currently reviewing them.  Please continue to work with us on the support email thread.  


    Have a great day, 




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