ActiveSync wipeaccount and wipeclient | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

ActiveSync wipeaccount and wipeclient

  • Hi, 

    I'm reviewing the documentation and doing some testing and I would confirm that it works correctly.

    When I do the wipeaccount

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     <API productversion="22.5.0" serviceversion="">
      <Request version="22.5" echo="1" verbose="0">
        <Client action="update" account="" clientid="E9F720EE2D5EE58202794E5F" wipeaccount="Yes" >

    With the following xml, it does it correctly, it deletes the account and the emails from the device.

    If I configure the email account again, it is automatically deleted from the device.

    Is this operation correct?

    I guess it creates a directive applied to the account and the client id.

    If this were so, any way to see the active directives of the server?


    the wipeclient work? 

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     <API productversion="22.5.0" serviceversion="">
      <Request version="22.5" echo="1" verbose="0">
        <Client action="update" account="" clientid="E9F720EE2D5EE58202794E5F" wipeclient="Yes" >

    Would I have to format the mobile device?


  • Yes, that behavior is correct. This prevents hostile actors from re-creating the device setup and gaining access to the server.

    To re-create the account on the client, you must first remove the client record from MDaemon and it must be removed it from the Blocked Clients list.

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