MDeamon service crashes: Faulting module name: MDUser.dll, version: | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

MDeamon service crashes: Faulting module name: MDUser.dll, version:

  • Hello, 


    Since this night, our server is crashing. When I restart the Mdaemon service I see thios error in the event log of windows.

    We did not perform any upgrade this night, just the regular backup.

    Faulting application name: MDAEMON.EXE, version:, time stamp: 0x63e2ceb0
    Faulting module name: MDUser.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x63e2c963
    Exception code: 0xc0000409
    Fault offset: 0x000000000007dc7c
    Faulting process id: 0x1474
    Faulting application start time: 0x01d9692e51e725ff
    Faulting application path: E:\MDaemon\APP\MDAEMON.EXE
    Faulting module path: E:\MDaemon\APP\MDUser.dll
    Report Id: c1b67068-7828-40a6-8625-7f717079edc8
    Faulting package full name: 
    Faulting package-relative application ID: 

    Does someone has already see this issue ?

  • Please collect crash dumps and upload them to us.   

    MDaemon may have automatically created crash dump., If it did, you find them in the MDaemon\Dumps directory, just put them in a zip file and upload them to us.  

    If dump files were not automatically created, please following the instructions in this article to collect crash dumps:

    Once you have crash dumps, please zip them and upload them to use using the following link:

    And let us know when the upload is complete.

  • Its uploaded...

    FYI I did purchase a priority support.

    Thanks for you help.

  • How frequently is MDaemon crashing?

    It looks like the crash is occurring when attempting to generate daily quota reports.  If you turn off the daily quota reports, does the crash go away?  Accounts / Account Settings / Other / Quotas, uncheck the box for Send daily quota reports to domain and global administrators.


  • I will try to change this but when launching the GUI I have a couple if seconds before an error message appear and the gui close. Is there a way to change this in a config file ?

  • Is the MDaemon service crashing or just the configuration session?  The easy way to tell is just to see if there is still an MDaemon.exe process running after the crash.  

    Can you login via Remote Administration and make the change?  

    If not, you can edit the MDaemon.ini file and set the following in the [Special] section


    Save the file and try starting MDaemon.

  • I managed to change the settings after some attemps.

    It doesn't fix the crash issue...

    see screenshot for settings and the error message i get.


  • It's the process that crashes and when it does the gui crashes as well

  • FYI the remote admin http service is working

  • When did the crashing start?

    Is there a folder in the a.jacobs mailbox called \KAi.imap\?  If you move that folder and everything under it out of the mailbox path are you able to start MDaemon? 

  • Can you send me a copy of your alias.dat file?

  • The crash started this night or this morning (i noticed it this morning). 

  • I didn't find the KAi.imap folder. 

    Ok to send you the file...

  • Is there a message in the Inbound queue?


    If you remove the message is MDaemon able to start?  If it is, can I get a copy of it?


  • It has started I waited two minutes and it's still running.


    How can I send you the file that was in the inbound queue ?

  • Pleaes upload it to the link along with a copy of your alias.dat file.

  • Thank you for the alias.dat and the .ctl file, can we also get a copy of the .msg file?  or was there not an .msg file?

  • Yes sorry, it's uploaded.

  • Already a big thank you for your help.

    I have used Mdaemon for more than a decade and it's only the second 'big' issue that I have had.

    But I must say since I upgraded to 23, I have issues with ActiveSync clients (a tickect has already been opened about couple of weeks ago) and IMAP, OC seems less responsive.

    I will try to move Mdaemon to a new server. Can you provide the full procedure for such a migration ?

  • Thank you!

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