Content Filter: block emails from a certain domain except one | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

Content Filter: block emails from a certain domain except one

  • Hello everyone,

    I have a mdaemon server v14.5.7

    I'm having trouble creating a seemingly trivial Content Filter rule:

    I want to block all emails received by the server from a specific domain (e.g. except for a specific address of that domain (e.g.

    I had thought of creating two rules in the Content Filter, the first which accepts the receipt of emails from and forwards them to the recipient, the second following instead rejects the emails received from the domain if the first rule is not satisfied.

    Unfortunately I can't find in the Content Filter a way to accomplish this configuration.

    Where am I going wrong in your opinion?

    Thank you


  • Technically speaking the version of MDaemon you are running is almost 9 years old and is no longer supported, however, I think I can probably get you headed in the right direction.

    The content filter is not able to reject messages.  The content filter processing does not occur until the message has already been accepted.

    If you are ok with moving the messages to the Bad queue instead of rejecting them, then you should be able to do this with two rules.  The first rule says if the FROM header contains then skip the next rule.  The very next rule will be if the FROM header contains then move to the bad queue.

    I hope that helps.

  • @Arron

    Thanks Aaron,

    I understand perfectly how to proceed with the configuration.
    Unfortunately, Mdaemon's CF rules are sometimes not very intuitive.
    Thanks again.

    Best regards,



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