Global contacts does not populate pop-up box for To: field | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

Global contacts does not populate pop-up box for To: field

  • Hello,

    We are running Mdaemon v23.0.1.

    We have a couple of users, that when they start a new email, and type in the To: field, the domain contacts do not come up in a dialog box like for most of our other domain users.  These users must type out the entire email address each time and cannot hit Tab or Return to accept a dialog box match.

    I have manually added their email address to the Public Folders/<domain>/Contacts access list but still no luck.

    Previously, email addresses would automatically be added to said access list.

    Is there a permissions issue I'm missing?

    Thanks for any help.

  • If you login to webmail and go to Option / Folders, find the domain contacts folder, is the box for "Exclude from auto complete searches", is the box checked?  If you are using the Pro theme you'll have to click on the folder to open a dialog to see the box.

  • On both of our concerned user's domain contacts folder, the option was unchecked.

    I did notice however that the option to Add Replies to Contacts was also unchecked, so I checked that, and that solves half the problem.

    However, the pop-up dialog box still does not contain any global or domain entries (other emails in the domain) like it does for most of our users.

  • What theme are the users using?  

    Does the issue occur with all themes for the users that are having the issue?

  • Are the users subscribed to the folder?  This can be found by going to Options / Folders.

    Can you confirm that the user has Read access to the folder?


  • The users are using the Look-Out theme.  The problem occurs in all themes.

    I clicked Hide Unsubscribed Folders to show the subscribe check box, and hovering over the Contacts subscribe check box nets a message "cannot unsubscribe from a default folder".

    I had to manually add the users to the Public Folders/<domain>/Contacts folder access list with Read, Write, Insert, Delete, Lookup privileges.  Most of our domain users were automatically added to this access list.  Only these two users had to be manually added.


    After some testing, it has been determined that the pop-up box does indeed contain entries from the global address book, and entries for domain users.  The only nuance is that it does not contain an entry for all of our domain users, a few are missing (the ones we initially tested with).

    So, it seems things are working as intended.  Except for a couple domain addresses which don't appear in the popup box.

    Aside from someone accidentally deleting a domain address from their contacts list, I don't know why a few domain addresses don't show up in the popup box.

    For the other users that have no problem, it looks like they have the missing addresses in their private address books.

    Is there a way to add a domain email address back to the global address book?

    Thanks for your help!

  • If you go to the\Contacts folder in webmail, do contacts exist for the users in question?

    In MDaemon under Setup / Server Settings / Public & Shared folders, are the options enabled to"keep contact folder up to date with account data" and "add and remove contacts when accounts are enabled/disabled?"

    If you have the option enabled to add and remove contacts when accounts are enabled/disabled, are the accounts enabled?


  • Under\Contacts, the contacts that do not show up in the popup box are not in the listing.  There are 3 that I know of that are missing, and they are some of the oldest addresses in the domain, created when we first installed Mdaemon.

    Both options mentioned under Server Settings are checked.

    The accounts in question are enabled and active.

    All I can think of is somebody deleted the entries under, accidentally or not.

    I manually added two of the three missing account addresses and now they show up in the popup box.

    I think this is as solved as it's going to get.

    Thanks again.

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