No ActiveSync Contacts After Upgrade to 23.0.2 | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

No ActiveSync Contacts After Upgrade to 23.0.2

  • Hi, Since upgrading from 23.0.1 to 23.0.2 we have lost contacts via ActiveSync on mobile devices. I've tried toggling the sync for contacts off and back on on a few devices but they didn't reappear on any.

    Has anyone else had this since upgrading?

    I'll try removing and re-adding the MDaemon email account on one device and will report back.





  • Unfortunately removing and re-adding the email account on an Android devices didn't fix the issue with contacts

  • @Chris 

    Is this issue only occurring for this account or all accounts?  If it's not happening for everyone, try removing the account from the device, then open MDaemon's Account Editor, expand the ActiveSync menu, select Clients, right click on your AS client, and click remove/delete.  This will remove the client profile on the server.  Then re-add the account to the device.  

    If you want to trouble shoot futher, click on the Client Settings menu above the Clients menu and change the log level for this account to debug before doing the steps above to record debug logs when the client is reconfigured.  If nothing's clear, please send in a support ticket with the attached log.  To view the log select Setup > ActiveSync > Diagnostics and click on the button to open the log viewer.  You can select your account/device to filter everything out and select the File > Save Filtered Log to save something specific.

  • Hi Tyler thanks for the reply. It's seems to be happening for all accounts. I tried removing and re-adding the MDaemon account on my Android phone, the same as before emails and calendar services are ok but contacts haven't re-appeared. I enabled debug logging for my phone and checked the logs but no issues immediately stood out. I'll reboot my phone and force a resynch to see if that shows anything if not I'll create a support ticket.



  • @Chris I have the same problem. In my case it's the public contacts that have stopped syncing to phones. I have "Virtually merge public contacts into default contacts" set to Yes to provide a merged public/personal contacts list to phones - the personal contacts are still syncing after the upgrade, but the public contacts aren't. 

  • @Nathan @Chris 

    I was able to reproduce an issue with the virtual merge of the public contacts not working in MDaemon 23.0.2.  I've submitted a bug report to our developers. 

  • Hi Everybody ,

    My Public Folders and Contacts is no running on outlook

    is a Same Problem ?

  • @Mehmet Alp 

    If you're referring to the public contacts merge option for ActiveSync profiles, then yes.  This will be resovled in the next update to MDaemon.

  • @Tyler 

    Yes I Switched Yes To Contacts And Fixed Contacts, But I Can Not Showing to Public & Shared Folders (in Mail Type) On Outlook this very important me, I do Downrage But Nothing Change Please Help Me.. I'm in difficult situation. 

    Best Regards

  • @Mehmet Alp 

    I do Downrage But Nothing Change

    Do you mean you've downgraded MDaemon? Or performed some other action?  If you have downgraded, which version did you downgrade MDaemon to? Were the instructions in our knowlege base followed or another method?
    How to downgrade to a previous version of MDaemon

    If you've reverted to a prior version and cannot view the public and/or shared mail folders, first login to Webmail and verify if the folders are there. Next, check the Global and Domain client settings to verify if the public and shared folder sync options have been enabled.  The global configuration can be found in the tuning option.  Click on Global Client Settings Defaults and click the FolderSync Options tab.

    This can also be configured per domain in the Setup > Server Settings > ActiveSync menu. Click on the Domains tab. Right click on your domain and click Customize Client Settings.

    If the issue is only happening to a specific account, the public/shared folder sync options can be enabled/disabled per user.  Open the user's account in the Account Editor, expand the ActiveSync menu, select Client Settings, and click the FolderSync Options tab.

  • @Tyler 

    Hi Tyler I Downrage To 23.0.1 Public And Shared Folder Running Now, But Public Contacts Not Sync to Outlook.

  • @Mehmet Alp 

    Thank you for the clarification.  I downgraded MDaemon to version 23.0.1 using the steps in the article from my previous post and the merged public contacts re-appeared in my Outlook client.  Had Outlook been restarted since the downgrade? If so, I'd verify that the public contact virtual merge is enabled. 

    If you're still having issues, please contact us for support using the link below and include your AirSync-YYYY-MM-DD.log file from the \MDaemon\Logs directory along with the account(s) having the issue.

    Request Support

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