Big Migration Problem | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

Big Migration Problem

  • Hi,

    i am new at mdaemon. I try to migrate an exchange 2010 server to a new mdaemon with the MDMigrator.exe.

    I have seen the youtube video of MDaemon and fullfilled all requirements.

    After the migration in the log file are thousands of "Unable to export message, unable to create IConverterSession instance in WriteMimeMessage()".

    "Message Flags: 1041" and "Message Flags: 1044".

    Nothing was exported. In the webmail-Client i have all Folders but no email, no calendar and no contacts...

    At the end appears "migration succesfull".....

    Does anyone knows the problem?


    Thanks. Raimund

  • What version of Outlook are you using? 

    Is Outlook 32 or 64 bit? 

    What operating system is installed on the machine?  Is the OS 32 or 64 bit?

    Was Outlook installed using Click To Run?  if you are unsure if it was installed using Click To Run, you can check the about dialog in Outlook and/or this article from Microsoft explains how to check it.  Instructions may vary depending on the version of Outlook you are using.

    Also make sure Outlook and MDMigrator are being ran as Administrator.

  • Hi Arron,


    its a Outlook 2019, 64 bit, yes i think its click and run. The key virtualoutlook exists.

    The Windows 2019 is a 64bit machine. mdaemon is 64bit, actual version.

    Do i have to open outlook during the migration process?

    Yes, i have startet the migrator as administrator of the domain.




  • This could be caused by an issue with Click To Run that can cause COM interfaces to not function.  To work around it you need to copy a couple registry keys to a new location. You can do it manually, or using the two lines of Powershell below.

    Copy-Item "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\REGISTRY\MACHINE\Software\Classes\CLSID\{4E3A7680-B77A-11D0-9DA5-00C04FD65685}" "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{4E3A7680-B77A-11D0-9DA5-00C04FD65685}" -Recurse
    Copy-Item "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\REGISTRY\MACHINE\Software\Classes\CLSID\{9EADBD1A-447B-4240-A9DD-73FE7C53A981}" "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{9EADBD1A-447B-4240-A9DD-73FE7C53A981}" -Recurse 

    The source location can vary depending on the version of Outlook and how it was installed. I created the powershell script above using Outlook 2019 that was installed using Click To Run, so it "should" be the same for you, but there are many variations in Outlook. 

    If you are unfamiliar with PowerShell, it may be easier to open regedit.exe and export the content from the following two locations



    And then edit the .reg files using Notepad and change the paths to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{4E3A7680-B77A-11D0-9DA5-00C04FD65685} and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{9EADBD1A-447B-4240-A9DD-73FE7C53A981}.

    Then just run the .reg file and it should import the keys for you.

    Just a reminder, it can be very dangerous to edit the registry. We highly reccomend a full back of your computer before making any changes and proceed with caution.  

  • Hi Arron,

    thank you. I will try this today and report here.



  • Hi Arron,

    thanks, this works for me.

    But ist would be usefull, if there is a knowledgebase article with the most used office versions and the powershell commands for this problem.

    I have found some guys in internet forums with the same problem and they gave up...


    Thank you. Greetings, Raimund

  • I'm glad it worked for you.  

    Now that we know how to fix it, we'll either document it or fix it, or both.

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