Hi, can i use the actual connector with outlook 2024? Thank you. Raimund
Posts made by Raimund
Outlook 2024, 32bit
new mail arrives, white window.
Hi Jared. Yes, all Connector-Users, but not if the computers are connected via ActiveSync. The user have only one account on the Outlook.Often we don't see anything, sometimes we only see the mai...
new mail arrives, white window.
Hi. When a new mail arrives, sometimes only a white window appears when you click on it.Then you have to close Outlook 2019 and open it again. Then the mail appears.Connection via connector, only ...
Unspecified recipient
Sorry Arron: But why works this 200 times a day and then randomly comes the auth-check-message for this two mails? Is this depending on the recipient?" Do you think i can make a check mar...
Unspecified recipient
Thanks Arron, i hab disabled this now...because this are internal senders. No one other sends mails in the network. Thanks again, Raimund.
Unspecified recipient
Hi, an employee has send two messages. Short time later the mail comes back: unspecified recipient. But if i look in the sent mails, ther is an recipient....whats the problem? Echt...
calendar synch with active synch
thank your Arron. I will try it tomorrow, when the sekretaries are on board again. Raimund.
calendar synch with active synch
ok, the log is on debug but i find noch active sync log....if i search in the filter ohne active-directory-log is visible...or do you call it "airsync"? Thanks, Raimund
unknown user
Now i have this user in the defect queue: Zusammenfassung der Defekt-Warteschlange von MDaemonAn Von Betreff Art Nachrichten-ID DatumUSER8B78C79A@mxxhpartner.demuenchen@mxxpartner.deuser from exte...
calendar synch with active synch
Hi, we have a lawywer software called "ramicro". In former days we can sync the ramicro-calendar with the outlook-boxes of the user via active sync (Exchange-Server). Now with mdaemon pl...
unknown user
Yes, the user8b78c79a ist not a user of us. Our user, we name him Meyer has the real adress h.meyer@mxx.... But if the sekretary add the real user in CC, we get the message, that user8b78c79a does...
unknown user
I have to correct myself, I have received an e-mail to the administrator account that the user does not exist. But the employee only writes the CC address, which she always writes. Not this user u...
unknown user
yes, i can send a message from outside to the user: 15:45:10.541: <-- RCPT TO:<user8b78c79a@mxxh-partner.de>Mon 2023-12-18 15:45:10.541: --> 250 2.1.5 Recipient OKMon 2023-12-18 15:45:...
speed up the view?
Do you mean the 30 min in the "Define Send/Receive Groups"? Thanks, Raimund.
speed up the view?
Users are complaining that Outlook is too slow to report new incoming messages.Outlook with Exchange was different.When a new mail (mdaemon connector) arrives, you don't see anything in the inbox a...
unknown user
yes, its an internal mdaemon user user. Former we used Exchange, but the service is disabled. We have one connector-account and one active sync account. The Problem is the active sync acco...
unknown user
Hi, i have migrated from exchange zu mdaemon the last two days. If we send a message to an external client an a CC to an internal employee, the message comes back with "unknown user". The interna...
Big Migration Problem
Hi Arron, thanks, this works for me. But ist would be usefull, if there is a knowledgebase article with the most used office versions and the powershell commands for this problem. I have found s...
Big Migration Problem
Hi Arron, thank you. I will try this today and report here. Raimund