speed up the view? | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

speed up the view?

  • Users are complaining that Outlook is too slow to report new incoming messages.
    Outlook with Exchange was different.
    When a new mail (mdaemon connector) arrives, you don't see anything in the inbox at first. This can take 10 minutes.

    However, if I switch briefly to another folder and then back to the inbox, I see the mail immediately.

    Is there a setting that allows me to speed up the view in the inbox?

    Outlook 2019, MDaeomon brandnew on a new server.

    Thank you, Raimund

  • The default Send/Receive time in Outlook is every 10 minutes.  You can speed up the automatic delivery of messages by reducing the amount of time Outlook is waiting.

  • Do you mean the 30 min in the "Define Send/Receive Groups"?

    Thanks, Raimund.


  • Do you mean the 30 min in the "Define Send/Receive Groups"?


  • ok, i will change it to 1 min.

    Thanks, Raimund

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