Outlook connector issues in 23.5.2 | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

Outlook connector issues in 23.5.2

  • Hello,

    We intalled version 23.5.2 last week and since then, we have had problems with Outlook Connector 

    The user launches Outlook and gets an error saying it cannot connect to the MDaemon server. To resolve it, we just have to go into the Outlook connector settings, test the connection settings, then open Outlook again. It then launches and connects to MDaemon as expected.

    It only effects a small handful of users per day, and so far, after doing the above steps, I don't believe we've seen any repeat problems for any give user.

    Is this a known issue? Is it only us? Do we just need to let it run its course until it has hit every user?


  • I have not seen any other reports of the issue. 

    When you test the connection settings, are any of the settings being updated?  The only thing I can think of is something has changed that is preventing the previous settings from working, and when you test the connections, it changes the settings in Outlook Connector so that its able to connect.

    Does the IMAP log show any any errors before the user clicks the test connection settings?  

    From the machine running Outlook, are you able to telnet to the hostname and port that are configured in Outlook when its not working?


  • No, no settings are changed before testing the connection. 

    I will check the IMAP logs next time the problem pops up. Should I post them here or is that getting into support ticket territory?

    I have not explicitly tested telnet from the machine, but I would assume the answer to be yes because all users use Outlook from a two server RDS farm. I haven't kept track of which server each user has been connected to at the time, but I will start to do that.

  • What button are you using to Test the connection?  Are you talking about the "Test & Get Account Settings" button found on the General tab when editing the Outlook Account?  Or is there some other button you are using to test the connection settings?

    If you are clicking the Test & Get Account settings button, it is possible for settings to be automatically updated in the client and could cause a client to start working.  


  • Yes, that's correct - Test & Get Account Settings. I just go to that screen, without changing any setting, test the settings, they are always successful because nothing has changed in our environment, and then reopen Outlook.

    Confirmed, I am able to telnet to the MDaemon server when the problem is exhibiting itself

  • Oh, and nothing is logged in the IMAP logs when the problem occurs.

  • The next time a user has the issue, please get a copy of their config.xml file from the %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Alt-N\Outlook Connector 2.0\Accounts\$OUTLOKPROFILE$\$EMAIL$\ folder, and make a note of the modified time on the file.   

    Can you check to see if the config.xml file is same on both servers? 

    Once you have made a backup of the file, click the Test & Get button, check the same file. Has the modified date/time changed?  If the modified date/time has changed, please send me a copy of the config.xml from before you clicked Test & Get, and after. 

    Is a user always connected to the same RDS server when they connect? 

    Do you have a way of forcing a user to connect to a specific RDS server?  If you force them to connect to server1, do they have the issue?  What if they connect to server2?

  • The RDS deployment uses user profile disks, so same profile regardless of which server they're connected to.

    Here are the differences I found in the before and after config files:


    BEFORE "Test & Get"


    AFTER "Test & Get"



    So, why would it be switching to an unsecured connection? Installing the MDaemon update is literally the only change that was made to the server.

  • In MDaemon under Security / Security Manager / SSL & TLS / MDaemon, are the boxes checked to enable dedicated SSL ports for SMTP, IMAP, and POP?

    Do you have at least 1 certificate that is enabled and valid?  Make sure the certificate suppots the host name that is being used to connect and that it is not expired.

  • The certificate was not checked off! How annoying!

    I did another get and test and confirmed that the config file switched back to a secured connection. 

    Thank you so much for your help, Arron!

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