Search for problems in Worldclient interface | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

Search for problems in Worldclient interface

  • Hi!
    I'm using the latest version of Mdaemon 23.5.2
    Since early versions of WebClient, many users have been asking to solve the problem of searching 
    for information in their mailbox. Namely, the search produces different information if you start
    entering capital letters. Or if you enter the search with a lowercase first letter. Why can’t you
    show all the information you’re looking for at once and in small letters?

  • What theme are you using?

    Are you searching for messages?  

    Can you provide an example of the text you are searching for that is case sensitive?

  • Hello. The lockout theme is used. We are looking for letters with text. For example, I search in the search bar for the word Bob, the search will return one result. If I write the word bob the result will be slightly different.

  • I'm not having any luck reporducing the issue.  Can you provide step by step instructions of what you are doing so I can reproduce it?

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