Any way for ActiveSync search to send data newest first? | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

Any way for ActiveSync search to send data newest first?

  • I know the protocol defaults to oldest first, but this is one of those things that's annoying when on my phone. I'm looking for an email, usually in the past week or two, and it starts with 3 months ago, and I have to keep refreshing the page to get it... 


    Most of the time I get fed up and pull up the web interface on my phone to find it in a jiffy.


    Just wondering if this is a setting I'm missing, or a feature, or something that Microsoft has forced in Activesync.

  • What type of phone are you using?

    What version of MDaemon are you using?

    Do you have message indexing enabled?

    Please enable debug logging for the Account in ActiveSync by going to (Account Manager | Select the Account | Edit | ActiveSync , Change Archive transactions as XML to Yes and then click Save and Close.  Then reproduce the issue by searching for a message on your phone.  Then go to \MDaemon\Logs\AirSync\\\$DEVICEID$\$DATE$\, You should see one or multiple "*Find_REQ.xml" and a "*Find_RES.xml" or "*Search_REQ.xml" and "*Search_RES.xml" files.  Please zip the files and upload them to us.  These files will contain portions of the messages that you searched for including a prevew of the body.

    You can upload the files to

    In the test I ran 67 messages were returned in a single response, the oldest were first in the response, but since the phone received all the information at the same time, I was shown all 67 messages in the search results at the same time.  

    If you don't have message indexing enabled, the search may be taking longer and it could be breaking up the response into smaller bits causing the oldest messages to appear first.  You can enable message indexing by going to Main | Message Indexing | Settings.  If you are running an older version of MDaemon, message indexing may not be available in Remote Administration or it may not even be included in the software.


  • What type of phone are you using?

    1) Android Google Pixel 9 (Using gmail app)

    What version of MDaemon are you using?

    2) 25.0.0

    Do you have message indexing enabled?

    3) Yes

    Uploding file right now.

    Long wait (about 40 seconds for the first set, then I click next, about 10 seconds for the next page of about 25, *edit* I counted and it was 9... which is part of the problem... long wait and only 9 of the oldest emails (I only keep about 3 months worth on the server... as we use Mailstore). I get the data, but the wait is so long that you think it's broken, which is what others in my office have complained about.



  • The file that you uploaded only includes the requests and reseponses for a couple of SYNC operations.  It does not include any ActiveSync SEARCH or FIND operations. Are there an files created for *SEARCH_RES.xml, *SEARCH_REQ.xml, *FIND_RES.xml, or *FIND_REQ.xml when you do a search from your phone?

    If there are no SEARCH or FIND operations in the debug logs, then the phone is probably searching the data it has locally and not using the servers functionality.  But I wouldn't expect it to take 40 seconds to search its local data....

  • I looked at the additional files that you uploaded.  When you search, the device is only requesting 10 items at a time. The default according to the ActiveSync spec is 100 items.  I haven't been able to find a way to change the gmail app to request additional items when searching.  Are you aware of a setting that would allow you to change it?

    Essentially the phone is doing a request asking for 10 items, the server appears to be sending the response immediately.  In my testing I have to click the load more button to get it to request and show the next 10 items, which I agree is annoying.  My device is showing results from the data stored locally first, but also submits a SEARCH request to the server for 10 items, to which the 10 oldest items are returned. Is your device showing search results from the messages stored locally first?

    We'll look into adding an option to return the newest first.


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