Failed Cyren Updates | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

Failed Cyren Updates

  • Since 11:01 on February 8th, Cyren updates have been failing. Clam updates are functioning as normal. Anyone else seeing this?

  • Hello Dennis,

    I am not seeing any failures on my test system at the moment. What does the update log show as the failure reason for you?

  • As mentioned in op, Clam updates are successful. I do not see any denied traffic at the perimeter devices for Cyren.

  • Disregard. There was a policy configured with a geoblock. That traffic is apparently routed to Brazil now.

  • Thank you for the update! I hope the data enjoyed its vacation in Brazil! ;)


  • Nothing too crazy, just grabbed a byte in Rio.

    Apologies. That will never happen again.

    I was reading the release notes for 23.0.0, and noticed [26695] AntiVirus - Removed option to send notification if Cyren virus definitions have not updated. Does that mean we will no longer get notifications, and no way to turn them on? I ask because those notifications are the reaon I knew there was a problem with Cyren being updated.

  • Hi Dennis,

    That means you will no longer get notifications about Cyren upates failing and we are not offering a way to turn them back on.  We have made the change because of the recent announcements from Cyren.  

    We are researching options for additional AV services.

  • When it rains it pours. Thank you Arron. I was unaware of the announcement. Yikes.

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