Socket connection closed by the other side | MDaemon Technologies, Ltd.

Socket connection closed by the other side

  • Greetings All,

    I have an issue delivering email to one of my vendor, everytime we try to email vendor we always got Message Delivery Delayed information, but we can receive mail from their side just fine.

    We use MDaemon, vendor use Proxmox, both of IP & Domain already in whitelisted

    Here's some log from our server :

      [50216276] Attempting SMTP connection to <IP>:25
      [50216276] Waiting for socket connection...
      [50216276] *  Connection established <IP>:62689 --> <IP>:25
      [50216276] Waiting for protocol to start...
      [50216276] <-- 220 <MX Recipient> ESMTP Proxmox
      [50216276] --> EHLO <MX Sender>
      [50216276] Socket connection closed by the other side (how rude!)
      [50216276] *  Socket error 10053 - Connection abort.
      [50216276] Connection closed

    Here's some log from vendor server

    postfix/smtpd[29244]: connect from <MX Sender>[IP]
    postfix/smtpd[29203]: connect from <MX Sender>[IP]
    postfix/smtpd[28664]: connect from <MX Sender>[IP]
    postfix/smtpd[29244]: lost connection after CONNECT from <MX Sender>[IP]
    postfix/smtpd[29244]: disconnect from <MX Sender>[IP] commands=0/0
    postfix/smtpd[28664]: lost connection after CONNECT from <MX Sender>[IP]
    postfix/smtpd[28664]: disconnect from <MX Sender>[IP] commands=0/0
    postfix/smtpd[29203]: lost connection after CONNECT from <MX Sender>[IP]
    postfix/smtpd[29203]: disconnect from <MX Sender>[IP] commands=0/0

    Has anyone experienced something similar? Or is there anything that we and vendor need to check & do ?

    Thank You

  • Hello,

    Do either you or the vendor have a firewall between your two servers? If so, does the firewall show anything in its logs?

  • @Leigh Yes, we have firewall but there's nothing on it's log

    when we send email, there's a hit on firewall log, but when receiving no hit on firewall log at all

  • Hi @Indra,

    You're seeing the issue when sending, right? Have you checked with the vendor to see if they are using a firewall?

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